Music Store

  • Over 3,000 Recordings
  • Over 15,000 songs
  • Elementary to College and beyond
  • Easily browse and securely puchase

Browse our catalog to find and order MP3’s or link to our iTunes store to download individual tracks or albums from many national and state music education conferences.

Recording Services

A Soundwaves engineer can be at your concert or recording session to capture a high quality recording of your band, choir, orchestra or ensemble

  • Affordable, professional audio/video recording
  • Local, Regional or National
  • We specialize in Music Conferences
  • Licensing

Our Work

We are honored to work with music educators and fortunate to be involved in a small part of the music education process.
We thank you for the opportunities we’ve had to work with you for the last 19 years making on-site recordings
for you and your students.

Soundwaves was designed as an audio keepsake and fund-raising service for music educators. We are happy to see that
many educators use their recordings as a teaching tool, and as a source of audition material.
And so we are pleased to offer an additional tool for music educators: MEtunes, Soundwaves Online Music Catalog™
allows you to easily browse and securely purchase CD recordings for yourself or to play for
your students as you teach new pieces.

Please explore the site. We hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

We are committed to providing you with our very best service as you go about your important work.

“The Southern Division ACDA was THRILLED with the quality of work provided by SOUNDWAVES at the 2012 Division Conference! They are a wonderful company to work with and I would highly recommend them to anyone needing recording services.”

Tom Shelton

President ACDA Southern

“I have to say one of the best parts of your service is reflected in the fact that I have heard of virtually no issues throughout the whole process. Everything appeared to go smoothly and everyone was satisfied. The timeliness of the delivery of the finished product was excellent.”

Robert Eaton

President ACDA Eastern

“Our band recording is very well done. You always do a super job for us and District 4.”

Brian Griebel

Harding MS Lakewood HS, OH

“I received the CD of the recording of The Dublin Singers concert and I am thrilled! Thank you so much!”

Mary Fran Cassidy

The Dublin Singers