2018 Massachusettes MEA Northeastern Junior Festival Choirs 3-17-2018 MP3

2018 Massachusettes MEA Northeastern Junior Festival Choirs 3-17-2018 MP3

This will be a zipped file containing all of the tracks for the concert performance. You will be sent an email with a link to the download.

Junior Boys Chorus
Conductor – Leon Grande
Accompanist – Bob Lague
Jonathan Plouffe, Boys Chorus Manager, Lynn Public Schools
Jennifer Bowler, Assistant Boys Chorus Manager, Swampscott Public Schools

Junior Girls Chorus
Conductor – Dr. Marci Major
Accompanist – Irina Chelnokova
Samantha Prindiville, Girls Chorus Manager, Wilmington Public Schools
Anna Wentlent, Assistant Girls Chorus Manager, Reading Public Schools
