ACDA Southern Division 2018 Lafayette High School Madrigal Singers MP3
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Lafayette High School Madrigal Singers
Ryan Marsh, Director of Choirs
Laura Howard, SCAPA Vocal Instructor, Director
1. Lobet Den Herrn (2001) – Knut Nystedt / Norsk Musikforlag
2. Drei Motetten, Op. 69, No. 1 (1847) – Felix Mendelssohn / PD
Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren
3. The Sea Wind (2018) – Ēriks Ešenvalds / Musica Baltica
Commissioned by the Lafayette Madrigal Singers, 2018
4. Verano Porteño (1965) – Astor Piazzolla / arr. Oscar Escalada / Neil A. Kjos
5. Ranpono (2015) – Sydney Guillaume / Sydney Guillaume
Luke Dailey, solo