ACDA Western Division 2018 University of Southern California Concert Choir March 14-17, 2018 MP3
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University of Southern California Thornton School of Music
Concert Choir
Cristian Grases, Conductor
Michael T. Dawson, Assistant Conductor
Luis Reyes, Accompanist
1. Peace Flows Into Me – Jake Runestad / JR Music
2. O Magnum Mysterium – Ernesto Herrera (b. 1988) / text: Responsorial Chant, Matins, Christmas / Gentry
3. Salve Regina – Cesar Alejandro Carrillo (b. 19578) / text: Anonymous / Earthsongs
4. Jubiabá – Carlos Alberto Pinto Fonesca (1933-2006) / text: Carlos Alberto Pinto Fonesca / Earthsongs
5. Allá Va Un Encobijao – Antonio Lauro (1917-1986) / text: Alberto Arvelo Torrealba (1905-1971)
6. La Rosa Roja – Oscar Hernández (1891-1927) / arr. Electo Silva (1928-2017) / text: Oscar Hernández
Peer International
7. Cántico de Celebración – Leo Brouwer (b. 1939) / text: Leo Brouwer